No animals or penises were harmed in the making of this book.
Penis! is an independently created cartoon book. The author and illustrator, Danny, made the initial drawings with the goal of making his friends laugh. Within a few weeks, a recurring theme was apparent: penises.
Danny knew what he had to do: draw more dicks. He collaborated with two very talented graphic designer friends, Vimal and Evan, to help digitize the drawings and create the book we fondly know as Penis!.
With that, the Penis! enterprise was erect. Danny sold books on the streets of New York City and toured throughout the United States to throw Penis! parties that involved books, free raffle prizes, and really, really good dancing.
And now: the website. It's time for Penis! to extend its reach. Up and to the right! We hope you enjoy reading the book as much as we did creating it.
The first Penis! drawing
A Penis! book stand in NYC
Danny preparing for a Penis! party